
ELITE CAPTURE The 2022 NAIS Meltdown Is Just Heating Up

Where There’s Smoke…

Only one month into 2022, there is Fire.  Stay with us because it was a hell of a week and a half.  We’ll keep it tight: (1) the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) backtracks on its own representation of accreditation; (2) Independent X School tries to never let a good crisis go to waste after exposed policies; (3) million$ in PPP $$$ give the presumption of financial shenanigans in Independent X School; and (4) your morning lowlights of pedophilic grooming.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

NAIS is like our seven-year-old who claims he never hit his little sister because the stuffie he’s holding hit his sister – not him, forcing us to explain exasperatedly that he hit his sister because he was wielding the stuffie that hit his sister.  So whines NAIS.  In response to the spotlight Undercover Mother has been shining on NAIS, NAIS has been scrubbing its website, deleting webpages, and publishing articles like the above backtracking on previous positions.  Just like Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Kim’s efforts don’t count because “real communism has never been tried,” NAIS advocates above for the institution of DEI and “belonging” in private schools.  All great in theory, but we know from NAIS’ own materials, that’s not the reality.  NAIS then claims it “does not accredit schools.”

But who accredits the accreditors?  According to NAIS, it’s NAIS!