Bring The Kids Online Safety Act To A Vote

February 9th, 2024

Kids Online Safety Act

We have paid the ultimate price for Congress’ failure to regulate social media…If the status quo continues, more children will continue to die from social media-related harms and social media platforms’ greed.”

Yesterday, a full-page ad featuring our appeal to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ran in the Wall Street Journal — with 250 signatures from families who have lost a child to a social media-related harm – cyberbullying, sextortion, online sexual abuse, online challenges and fake drugs laced with fentanyl.

How many more young lives have to be lost in order for leaders to listen? We stand alongside all these families who now serve a life sentence enduring the unthinkable tragedy of losing a child to social media-related harm.

We urge you to contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor KOSA. Bring the Kids Online Safety Act to a vote TODAY.
Our children’ s lives are at stake. Link Below

#endcyberbullying #stopsuicide #cybersafety #mentalhealth #bullyingprevention #sucideprevention #digitalwellbeing #bethechange #youarenotalone #togetherwecan #speakup #onlinekindness

Kids Online Safety Act

Kids Online Safety Act

Kids Online Safety Act

Kids Online Safety Act

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