
LAWSUIT: Student kills himself after relentless bullying for being ‘unvaccinated’

new lawsuit alleges that a 15-year-old student at a private school in Chicago killed himself back in January due to relentless bullying about allegedly being unvaccinated.

Both students and teachers reportedly bullied Nate Bronstein to the point that he no longer wanted to live. The incident took place at the Latin School of Chicago, a private college preparatory school that costs more than $40,000 a year to attend.

When the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic began, Bronstein transferred to the school for in-person learning. It was then that he became a target, according to the suit, of Branch Covidians who started spreading a rumor that the 10th-grader did not get jabbed.

Bronstein’s parents say he was, in fact, vaccinated, but that his fellow students and even some of his teachers did not believe it. Robert and Rosellene, Nate’s parents, attempted to reach out to other parents to clear up the confusion, but to no avail.

At one point, one of Bronstein’s teachers told him during class one day that he was going “nowhere in life,” the suit says. Bronstein was also harassed on Snapchat, where another student told him back in mid-December that he should commit suicide.