Latin School

Latin School won’t share records of boy who died by suicide after bullying

The parents of a Latin School of Chicago student who died by suicide in 2022 after being bullied “relentlessly” filed a second lawsuit on June 5 against the elite private school for refusing to hand over their son’s records, including his multiple reports of being bullied, the suit says.

The original lawsuit was filed in April 2022 and alleges the Gold Coast school turned a “blind eye” to the 15-year-old’s situation.

“We are entitled to our child’s school records, regardless of a loss,” said Robert Bronstein, father of Nate Bronstein, who died in January 2022. “Any parent is, and the school has that statement in their policies and in their handbook that says if a parent wants their children’s school files, here’s the department that you go to. They are refusing because, obviously, whatever’s in the school files will show their negligence.”

The initial suit alleges that near the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, a student at the school, whose parents are named in the initial lawsuit, spread a false rumor that Nate was unvaccinated. According to the Bronsteins, though Nate was vaccinated, he was harassed about his perceived vaccination status. According to the lawsuit, Nate had transferred to Latin from Francis Parker School in Lincoln Park because Latin offered in-person learning during that period of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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