
ACCREDITATION NATION The Dark Side of Accreditation

We Don’t Need No [Marxist Critical Theory] Education.

Like Whigs at Boston Harbor, our children are not going to take it!  On May 30th, the school body of Andover (MA) found messages of protest around campus.  “WAKE UP!!”  “DO NOT HATE THE ARTIST HATE THE INDOCTRINATION.”  “DO NOT ‘JUST’ BE ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL.”  We won’t highlight Andover (MA) Headmaster Raynard Kington’s hypocrisy immediately condemning as “a disturbing case of vandalism” messages protesting indoctrination and suppression of free thought at an institution of education after half of American society, including our schools, praised national riots where statues were torn down, monuments and small businesses were destroyed, and thousands of people were assaulted.  We will point out the irony that as criminals loot with abandon and men pretending to be women leer at naked girls in women’s locker rooms, our children in institutions of education are the ones afraid to speak freely to such an extent that a few committed an act of anonymous vandalism.  Any hooligan could have painted “Andover sucks.”  Look at what they chose to state.  Should they have selected another medium for their message?  Perhaps.  Perhaps the medium was adopted to emphasize the hypocrisy inherent in the subject matter.  This hypocrisy is even more glaring considering administrators twisted the situation into one of “safety and well-being of [Andover] students” despite the nonviolent nature of the act and message and the fact that the students who wrote the message are the ones who feel unsafe, not those who freely wield their repressive tolerance.  This is the Independent X School campus environment brought to us by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) accreditation.