
Amended lawsuit in Latin School suicide case says school had assessed boy for suicidal ideation

The parents of a Latin School of Chicago student filed a second amended complaint July 24 against the elite Gold Coast private school for allegedly turning a blind eye to the bullying and harassment that preceded the suicide of their 15-year-old son in January 2022.

Among other details, the new complaint says the school assessed Nate Bronstein, son of Robert and Rosellene Bronstein, for suicidal ideation in October 2021, alleging Latin School failed to put a safety plan in place.

The Bronsteins say they learned about the suicidal ideation assessment in April 2023.

After Latin School filed a motion to strike the second amended complaint, Cook County Circuit Judge Scott McKenna on Friday ordered a lawyer for the Bronsteins to remove certain passages and file a third amended complaint.

Latin School’s motion to strike, and a request for a protective order prohibiting the Bronsteins from “any direct communication with any current or former employees of the Latin School” with whom they or their son interacted in the year preceding March 2022, will be heard Sept. 29. In the school’s motion for a protective order, Latin alleges that during a stay in discovery, the Bronsteins contacted certain defendants, offering to negotiate settlements in exchange for information, and potential witnesses.

Robert Bronstein said Thursday the family could not comment on Latin’s filings.