Nate Bronstein

Chicago prep school withholds records from parents after bullied son’s suicide: lawsuit

Two Chicago parents are suing their son’s school after staff allegedly refused to hand over his records following his suicide in January 2022.

Rose and Robert Bronstein allege in an April 2022 lawsuit that the Latin School of Chicago never told them when their son, Nate, went to staff with concerns about cyberbullying from his peers on apps like Snapchat about a month prior to his death by suicide.

In a new lawsuit filed earlier this month, the Bronsteins say the Latin School “has refused access” to their son’s files despite a school contract clause that says parents “who wish to examine their child’s folder should call the division director for an appointment.”

“The reason why we had to fight another lawsuit is because the Latin School of Chicago — they’re refusing to give us our children’s school files. … It’s not just their grades and that kind of stuff,” Rose Bronstein told Fox News Digital. “It’s any communication around our children while they were there, so, emails, reports, notes — anything that relates to our children while they were there. And Latin is refusing to give them.”


#endcyberbullying #stopsuicide #cybersafety #mentalhealth #bullyingprevention
#sucideprevention #digitalwellbeing #bethechange #youarenotalone #togetherwecan
#speakup #onlinekindness

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